We take pride in our work and our people.
Our ability to service clients and the accessibility of our partners have enabled us to develop a large and loyal clientele. Our individual backgrounds create a broad experience base, which gives us the confidence to deal with every assignment presented to us.
What can we do for you?
Nice to Meet You!

Michael J. Gorniak CPA, CA
mgorniak@thomsonjaspar.caMichael has been with Thomson Jaspar since 2001. He specializes in corporate reorganizations, estate planning, family trusts, professional incorporation, business start-ups and buying and selling businesses.
Obtained BComm (with distinction) from the University of Saskatchewan in 1996.
Obtained CA designation in 1999 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Completed In-Depth Taxation program through the CICA in 2000.
- Chairperson, Future Opportunities Committee for the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce
- Chairperson and Secretary, Synergy Breakfast Club
- Director of Finance, 2004 Nokia Brier
- Treasurer, Sutherland - Forest Grove Community Association
- Vice President, Administration and Human Resources, 2007 World University Games Bid
- Member, Numerous committees, McClure United Church
- Board Member, McClure United Church
- Volunteer, 2000 Labatt Brier
- Director, PrimeWest Mortgage Investment Corporation
- Assistant Coach, Clavet Minor Hockey - Initiation
- Coach, Clavet Minor Hockey - Novice Tier II
- Assistant Coach, girls Under 8 and Under 10 soccer
- Coach, boys Under 8 soccer
- Received the Schmeiser Spirit Award from the United Way of Saskatoon.
What's on Michael's mind?
My super hero name is… Mr. Accountant!
Look in my fridge and you'll find… at least 10 different kinds of beers.
I love… the Saskatchewan Roughriders! I'm a huge fan. My wife is a close second!
I will always… wear a watch.
If I could go back in time… I'd play for the Montreal Canadians from 1956 to 1960.

Rick J. Peddle FCPA, FCA
rpeddle@thomsonjaspar.caRick has been with Thomson Jaspar since 2010. He loves helping clients understand their personal and business finances, and strives to help clients build successful businesses and become financially secure through proper planning.
Obtained BComm from the University of Saskatchewan in 1995.
Obtained Chartered Professional Accountant designation 1998.
Worked for eight years as a manager at Deloitte doing large corporate audit, five years as controller at Philom Bios Inc., and three years as Partner at Salamon Ratzlaff Chartered Accountants.
Professional and community activities, both past and present include:- Member, Saskatoon Kinsmen Club (Past President)
- Member, Saskatchewan Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs (Past President)
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of Saskatchewan (Past President)
- Kinsmen Community Learning Commons (Volunteer Co-Project Lead)
- Creative Saskatchewan (Board Member)
- Youngest CA to ever receive the honorary “Fellow Chartered Accountant” or FCA, which is awarded by the Institute of Chartered Accountants for distinctive service to the profession and the community
- Awarded the inaugural “SYPE Peddle Award” in 2008 for contributions to the Saskatchewan Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs
- Awarded the inaugural George Baxter Foundation's “Early Achievement” award recognizing Chartered Accountants who contribute significantly to their profession and community in the first ten years as a Chartered Accountant
- Award the CTV “100 People, 100 Reasons” award in 2006 for being one of the 100 people that makes Saskatoon a great place to live
- Awarded the Peter Gzowski award in 2008 by READ Saskatoon
- Awarded the Kinsmen of the Year by the District 3 Kin (Provincial) 2012
- Awarded the Kinsmen of the Year by the Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon, 2010 and 2012
Some of Rick's thoughts
When I was a kid I… loved pretending I was one of the "Duke Boys."
I've always wanted to… be a NASCAR driver.
If I could go back in time…I would buy a bunch of muscle cars in the late 60s and early 70s.
My hidden talent is… making the cheesiest Kraft Dinner (my kids say I'm the "King of Kraft Dinner").
Somewhere, someone is… on a beach. With a cold beer.

Bryce Williams CPA, CA
bwilliams@thomsonjaspar.caBryce has been with Thomson Jaspar since 2006, articled with Thomson Jaspar and obtained his designation with Thomson Jaspar. Bryce manages the day-to-day operations of the firm as well as specializing in business valuations.
Obtained BComm from the University of Saskatchewan in 2003.
Obtained CA designation in 2007.
Currently enrolled in CBV program of studies.
- Director of Finance, Saskatoon Ultimate Disc-Sport Society
- Finance Committee, Gateway Music Festival
- Affiliate Member, Collaborative Lawyers of Saskatchewan
What's up, Bryce?
I love… spending time with family at the lake.
I don't understand… how we know so much about black holes.
My friends call me… a Seattle Seahawks homer.
If I won the lottery I would… travel the world with my family.
It drives me bonkers when… clothes hangers are not all the same direction.
When I was a kid I… found jeans too "pooky."

Jayson Peace MPAcc, CPA, CA
jpeace@thomsonjaspar.caJayson has been with Thomson Jaspar since 2014. As the firm's tax partner, he specializes in corporate reorganizations and estate planning.
Obtained BComm (with distinction) in 1998.
Obtained MPAcc in 1999.
Obtained CA designation in 2001.
- Treasurer, Saskatoon Lasers Swim Club
Things that make Jayson say… hmmm.
I am… an Olympic level figure skating official.
I don't understand… why all accountants don't specialize in tax.
If I won the lottery, I would… travel with my family.
I've always wanted to… go to a Duke Blue Devils basketball game.
My guilty pleasure is… breakfast food.
Life's too short to… let other people bother you.

Travis Thornhill CPA, CA
tthornhill@thomsonjaspar.caTravis has been with Thomson Jaspar since 2011. He prides himself on providing comprehensive and timely service to achieve the business goals of small business clients at all stages of their respective business cycles.
Obtained BComm (with distinction) from University of Saskatchewan in 2008.
Obtained CA designation in 2011.
- Treasurer, CHEP Good Food Inc.
- Director, Station 20 West
- Growth and Social Coordinator, Building Business Connections Breakfast Club
- Member, SPEC Breakfast Group
Travis, tell us what you really think.
If I had one wish… the Toronto Maple Leafs would win the Stanley Cup in my lifetime.
I will always… enjoy spending time with my family.
My guilty pleasure is… watching game shows.
I've always wanted to… travel to all the major league baseball ballparks.
I love… reading.

Braden Turnquist MPAcc, CPA, CA
bradent@thomsonjaspar.caBraden has been with Thomson Jaspar since 2012. His strength lies in the provision of specialized advice from tax and business perspectives to small businesses and professionals.
Obtained BComm (with great distinction) from University of Saskatchewan in 2009.
Obtained MPAcc from University of Saskatchewan in 2011.
Obtained CA designation in 2012.
Completed In-Depth Taxation Course through CICA in 2013.
- Director, Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation Inc.
- Membership Director, 747 Breakfast Club
- Member, Golf Tournament Organization Committee, Prairie Hospice Society Inc.
- Member, Taxation Committee, North Saskatoon Business Association
- Co-Chair, Good Food Junction Cooperative Ltd.
- Treasurer, Good Food Junction Cooperative Ltd.
- Director, Good Food Junction Cooperative Ltd.
A few things to know about Braden.
I love… to travel.
I don't understand… why people don't love to watch soccer.
I will always… be early.
I never want to… be bored.
Look in my fridge and you'll find… lots of old leftovers.
My guilty pleasure is… goldfish crackers.
I always crave… goldfish crackers.
One time, I microwaved… hot chocolate for 24 minutes.
Life's too short for… worrying.
To Serve and Connect.
Your business is OUR business
The choice of professional advisors is seldom easy, whether it be an accountant or any other professional. At Thomson Jaspar, we feel we have carved out a special niche in the market place. We are large enough to provide a wide variety of services on a timely basis.
Small Business Services
- Full service firm
- Corporate structure planning
- Financial statement preparation - Notice to Reader and Review Engagements
- Corporate tax returns - Shareholder and business tax planning (family trusts, holding companies, dividends)
- Bookkeeping training
Personal Tax Services
- Preparation of personal income tax returns
- Types - proprietor, farming, rental, estate
Business Valuation Services
- Purchase and sale of business
- Litigation support
- Matrimonial settlement
- Succession planning
- Analysis and critique
Specialty Tax Service
- Incorporations
- Asset transfers
- Reorganizations
- Succession planning and implementation
- Amalgamations and Wind-ups
- Purchase and sale of business
- Estate planning
Where We Are.
Phone: 306-244-4414
Toll Free: 1-800-579-4414
Address: 400-15 23rd St E Saskatoon, SK S7K 0H6
Email: contactus@thomsonjaspar.ca
8:00am to 5:00pm except July and August are 8:00am until 4:30pm
Opportunities For You.
Do you dream about numbers? Do taxes excite you? We are always looking for ambitious, hard working people to work with us at Thomson Jaspar! If this describes you, submit your resume to careers@thomsonjaspar.ca.
Tax Professional
Thomson Jaspar LLP has an exceptional opportunity for a full-time, permanent public practice tax accountant in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Salary will be commensurate with training and experience.
- CPA designation (CA, CMA, CGA)
- Completion of currently enrolled in CPA Canada In-Depth Tax Course
- Minimum of 3 years of small business accounting and tax experience
- Personable and possesses client service skills
- Team player
- Ability to handle multiple assignments
- Ability to self-manage
- Good organizational skills
- Ability to work effectively under pressure
- Effective written and verbal communication skills
- Detail-oriented
- Ability to work independently
- Assist in client tax planning
- Tax research, consulting and preparing tax compliance obligations
- Review corporate, personal, partnership and trust tax returns
- Special tax work such as rollovers, estate freezes, SRED claims, etc.
- Providing tax provision support to small businesses
- Advise small business clients on Canadian tax issues
- Communication with the Canada Revenue Agency and clients
- Completion of additional duties or assignments as required
Although service to our clients is our primary concern, we do our very best to ensure a quality life-work balance for our team members. If you are interested in an excellent career opportunity in a distinctive work environment, please apply in confidence to careers@thomsonjaspar.ca.
We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
Chartered Professional Accountant
Thomson Jaspar LLP has an exceptional opportunity for a full-time, permanent Chartered Professional Accountant in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Salary will be commensurate with training and experience.
- CPA designation (CA, CMA, CGA)
- At least 3 years of accounting and/or tax experience with a public accounting firm
- Caseware, Caseview & TaxPrep experience
- Personable and possesses client service skills
- Team player
- Ability to handle multiple assignments
- Ability to self-manage
- Good organizational skills
- Ability to work effectively under pressure
- Effective written and verbal communication skills
- Detail-oriented
- Ability to work independently
- Preparation of working paper files for compilations and review engagements
- Preparation of financial statements and tax returns (corporate & personal)
- Servicing small business clients
- Communication with the Canada Revenue Agency and clients
- Completion of additional duties or assignments as required
Although service to our clients is our primary concern, we do our very best to ensure a quality life-work balance for our team members. If you are interested in an excellent career opportunity in a distinctive work environment, please apply in confidence to careers@thomsonjaspar.ca.
We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
Accounting Technician
Thomson Jaspar LLP has an exceptional opportunity for a full-time, permanent accounting technician in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Salary will be commensurate with training and experience.
- 1-4 years of accounting and/or tax experience with a public accounting firm
- Caseware, Caseview & TaxPrep experience
- Personable and possesses client service skills
- Team player
- Ability to handle multiple assignments
- Ability to self-manage
- Good organizational skills
- Ability to work effectively under pressure
- Effective written and verbal communication skills
- Detail-oriented
- Ability to work independently
- Preparation of working paper files for compilations and review engagements
- Preparation of financial statements and tax returns (corporate & personal)
- Servicing small business clients
- Communication with the Canada Revenue Agency and clients
- Completion of additional duties or assignments as required
Although service to our clients is our primary concern, we do our very best to ensure a quality life-work balance for our team members. If you are interested in an excellent career opportunity in a distinctive work environment, please apply in confidence to careers@thomsonjaspar.ca.
We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
Income Tax Preparer (Seasonal)
We are seeking an individual with personal tax preparation experience to help during tax season. The contract position starts at or near the beginning of March and runs until the end of April, with the potential for extension into May. Hourly contract rate will be commensurate with training and experience.
- Ability to handle multiple assignments
- Ability to self-manage
- Good organizational skills
- Ability to work effectively under pressure
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Detail-oriented
- Ability to work independently
- Prepare Canadian personal tax returns and related schedules
- Communication with the Canada Revenue Agency and clients
- Pre-assessment and/or processing review tax compliance work (if needed)
If you are interested in an excellent career opportunity in a distinctive work environment, please apply in confidence to careers@thomsonjaspar.ca.
We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
TJ at Play.
How's this for simple arithmetic?
All work and no play makes Thomson Jaspar a dull firm, and nobody wants that. Even though we work hard, we also make sure we take some time to play!